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Saturday, August 29, 2009

types of lung cancer checks on "the medical-up date"

up to date and comprehensive medical information
types of lung cancer checks on "the medical-up date"

Physical examination

Doctors sometimes do not get a physical examination abnormalities in lung cancer staging early disease. This is because the tumor is still small volume and has not spread so as not to cause interference in other places. In the case of the staging information will be found abnormalities depends on the noise generated by the primary tumor or its spread. Acquired abnormalities and large depends on the location of tumors that cause interference. Lung cancer can also cause the pile in the pleural cavity fluid or pressure veins (venous), etc.. Abnormalities that can be found regarding the spread of cancer, for example lump in the neck, armpit. Not infrequently the patient also comes with paralysis due to the spread in the brain or spinal cord (vetebra).

Examination (diagnostic procedures)

The discovery of cell types (histological) cancer is the main requirement to say a person has cancer and can then be determined staging (stage) disease as quickly as possible to determine the best treatment. It is important to remember that not all types of checks should be performed on patients but on the basis of common conditions and diseases at the time to come to the doctor. The doctor will always ask for the approval of patients and their families for any tests done. On the bad general condition sometimes doctors will decide to give treatment before the diagnosis must occur, for example, a patient comes with a great breath and face / neck and arms were swollen from the tumor's blood pressure pembulu behind (superior vena cava syndrome) or great pain, especially if the cancer have damaged the bone.


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