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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Treatment options for lung cancer, "the medical update" Surgery

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Treatment options for lung cancer, "the medical update"

KPKBSK only done for staging I or II or for palliative treatment of life-threatening conditions such massive coughing up blood, severe life-threatening breathing, or severe pain. Surgery is done is by removing 1 lung lobe (sometimes more) the discovery of the tumor and also remove all mediastinal lymph nodes. Diagnosis before surgery may be changed after surgery. It happened because of limited diagnostic tools or illness has evolved over the decision of surgery performed. The result may be after the surgery the patient should receive radiation or chemotherapy immediately after the operation the wound healed.

In the special case for example with the spread of head and found only 1 tumor in the brain and disrupt the life qualities of patients can be tumor removal surgery in the head with. In Indonesia (Jakarta) have been able to perform surgery  therapy in the head with a cyber knife.


Radiotherapy or irradiation given to the staging KPKBSK III and IV, can be given only to overcome the problems in the lung (local therapy) or combined with chemotherapy. Patients who received radiotherapy was decided to be referred to a specialist lung specialist radiotherapy and will return to the original doctor if treatment does not respond or have been completed or radioterapi appeared radiotherapy side effects that result.

Radiotherapy can be given if the homeostatic system (HB, the number of white blood cells or leukocytes and blood platelets) good. Radiotherapy is usually given 5 days a week with the average dose of 200 cGy per day until the dose from 5000 to 6000 cGy. Given ray depends on the existing equipment at the hospital, such as cobalt or LINAC side-effects evaluation performed after every delivery 5x (1000 cGy) when there is interference of radiation will be suspended, eg HB <10 g%. Leukocytes <3000/dl or platelets <100.000/dl. The doctor will make corrections and if it meets the requirements of radiation can be done again.

To see the response the doctor will perform radiation ray image after radiation given every 10x (2000 cGy). If the positive response penelian (tumors shrink or settle) the radiation can be forwarded, but if a negative response (tumor enlarged or new growth) radiation should be stopped.

Radiotherapy can also be given to the primary tumor location rather than, for example, radiation head if the tumor has spread to the head, bone radiation if the tumor has spread to the bone. KPKSK case of radiation to the head should be given after the chemotherapy is given over 6 cycles.


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