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Saturday, August 29, 2009

clinical sign of lung cancer "the medical update"

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Clinical signs of lung cancer

you and Symptoms Diseases Lung Cancer 
Signs and symptoms of lung cancer will only occur when the abnormal development of this sell more severe towards the more advanced stages, and this will take many years since the beginning of its development. In fact there is a possibility not to show any particular signs and symptoms, but only appeared if the X-ray done. But if some of the signs and symptoms below, if recognized, should immediately check with your doctor: 
Coughing old people smoking 
Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath) 
Cough out blood (even though small amounts) 
Frequent lung infections (pneumonia or bronchitis) 
The presence of chest pain, shoulder and the back 
The sound has changed from the usual
Cough more than 2 weeks in people who do not smoke 
Others such as difficulty swallowing, neck and face appeared swollen, decreased appetite, weight loss, tired or weak. 
Disease Causes Lung Cancer 
The biggest cause of smoking, while others are caused by contamination of the surrounding air by the substance of asbestos, air pollution by combustion or fumes including cigarette smoke. There are several cases of diseases that trigger disease lung cancer, namely tuberculosis and pneumonia. Both diseases can cause injury to the lung tissue that sell organs supports the occurrence of abnormal growth within the cavity sell it. Lung cancer usually develops from this case is the type of adenocarcinoma (adenoma). 
Handling and Disease Lung Cancer Treatment 
Handling and treatment or treatment performed on people who have diagnosed lung cancer will depend on the level stadiumnya, the possibility of the operation, and the general condition of the patient. This is not apart of history and the causes of the existence of lung cancer, of course.
Some typical steps are: 
Actions sell lift surgery cancer 
Radiation Therapy Action 
Action Therapy Kemotherapy 
Actions injection (Photodynamic (PTD)) 
Providing Nutrition and supplements can reduce symptoms caused by lung cancer. Vitamin D and Fe is very nice to be given by the lung cancer patients, so it is with antioxidant foods such as blueberri, cherri, and tomatoes. Source: Lung Cancer Disease.


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