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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lung cancer, "the medical update"

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Lung cancer, "the medical update"  
Lung Cancer
In normal cells will grow in accordance with the needs of the body through the stages in the process stages. Mechanism is important for cell replacement of damaged cells and need rejuvenation .. Growth of cells that run in several stages and is controlled by a gene (carrying information) that some act as a trigger, an inhibitor of growth and other processes pengkontrol genes in the cell to run well. Disruption in the gene or the growth process that can cause uncontrolled cell growth. In some cases not all the disorder is growing fast but can be stopped before it turned into fierce that we know with benign tumors. If interference is more severe and the disturbance continued growth and spread elsewhere (metastases) we refer to malignant tumors or cancer.

Conclusion: Cancer is a disease associated with the process of growth and development of uncontrolled cell.

Cancer can happen to anyone, any age and anywhere in the human body. The size of a person likely to suffer from certain types of cancer depending on the risk factors they have. Cancer of the most widely known in adults is breast cancer, nasopharynx cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, blood cancer and lung cancer.

Lung cancer is a type of cancer is the most difficult to treat, many suffered by adult males (age> 40 years) and smokers.


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