heart attack

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Treatment of lung cancer "the medical update"

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Treatment of lung cancer "the medical update"

Bronchial benign tumors are usually removed surgically because they can clog the bronchi and long may become malignant.
Sometimes cancer surgery in addition to small cell carcinoma that has not spread. Approximately 10-35% of cancer can be removed surgically, but surgery does not always bring healing.

Approximately 25-40% of people who are isolated and the tumor grows slowly, has a life expectancy of up to 5 years after the illness diagnosed. These patients should perform routine checks for lung cancer recurrence in 6-12% of patients who have undergone surgery.

Before the surgery, performed tests of lung function to determine whether the lungs are left still can perform its function well or not. If the result is bad, it is not possible surgery.
Surgery is not necessary if:
- The cancer has spread outside the lungs
- Cancer is too close to the trachea
- Patients have must circumstances (such as heart disease or lung disease is severe).

Radiation therapy performed in patients who can not undergo surgery because they have other serious illnesses.
The purpose of radiation is to slow the growth of cancer, not for healing. Radiation therapy can reduce muscle pain, superior vena cava syndrome and spinal cord pressure. But radiation therapy can cause lung inflammation (pneumonitis due to radiation), with symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and fever. These symptoms can be reduced by corticosteroids (eg prednisone).

At the time of diagnosis, small cell carcinoma almost always has spread to other parts of the body, so that surgery is not possible. This cancer treated with chemotherapy, sometimes radiation therapy .

Patients with lung cancer, many of which experienced a decline in lung function. To reduce respiratory problems may be given oxygen therapy and drugs that dilate the airways (bronchodilators)


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