heart attack

Monday, August 24, 2009

tattoos and HIV / AIDS

the medical updatetattoos and HIV / AIDS

the number of people living with HIV / AIDS continued to increase rapidly. we only know the tip of the iceberg for hiv patients have been infected do not know for several years until symptoms appeared.
yng research conducted by Dr. Mark Wainberg, THE MacGill monteral Canadian AIDS center reported in his journal that half of the total HIV cases occurred in the early stages, people with HIV are not aware that he was transmitting HIV. It also was the reason why the HIV epidemic in developing dengn frightening speed.
globally infected with HIV has killed 39 million people more than 25 million people since the virus was identified in 1980 until now not yet found a cure.
other than drug abuse, and sexual because there are a lot of HIV transmission among the tattoo


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