heart attack

Monday, August 24, 2009

cosmetics that contain topical anesthetics can be dangerous.

up to date and comprehensive medical information
cosmetics that contain topical anesthetics can be dangerous.

the use of topical anesthetics such as Tetracaine, lidocaine, benzokain, or cosmetic prilokain for action that are bought without a prescription can cause side effects such as the emergence of life-threatening arrhythmias, seizures, and even death.
women aged 22-25 years with a topical anesthetic applied cosmetics in the legs to reduce the pain of post-adoption dengn laser hair roots, they closed the leg with a plastic such as salon advice. to enhance the efficacy of anesthetic cream. these women experienced seizures after she fell and coma, and consequently died from toxic effects of anesthetic drugs.
Topical anesthetics can enter the blood vessels when the brush on a large area on the skin for a long time. and if the skin cream on the lid when the brush. can also penetrate the skin irritation, skin rash, or if the skin temperature meninggkat. sports leather closed with a cover or the provision of warm compresses may also increase the absorption of the drug in the blood


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