heart attack

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)?

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What is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)?
Coronary heart disease is the name given to the disease process called artherosclerosis that causes the smooth inside lining of the coronary arteries to become narrowed by fatty deposits, sometimes called 'plaques' or 'artheroma'. Coronary heart disease is often referred to as CHD but can also sometimes be called:
1.Coronary artery disease or CAD
2.Ischeamic heart disease IHDThis process of depositing fatty material (artheroma) in the blood vessels is called 'arterosclerocis'. When this happens in the coronary arteries it causes Coronary Heart Disease, causing the coronary arteries to narrow.

When the arteries become narrowed it gets more difficult for the blood to reach all areas of the heart muscle. It also makes the blood more likely to clot.


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